Website under (re)construction
My web hosting decided to “gift me” a “free server upgrade” instead of letting me handle the upgrade myself. And predictably, everything blew up, site became inacccessible and unmanageable, and everything was almost lost.So I rebuilt it over a few days, and two days after I finished, another automatic upgrade scrambled everything beyond all recognition. I had to rebuild the site pretty much from scratch for a third time.
The good news is, most everything is back.
The bad news: the downloads are gone for the time being. The script I was using might or might have not been a possible culprit for the issues. I will research download managers that allow me to offer secure downloads without putting my website’s integrity at risk, as sadly every time I’ve offered them freely I got DoS attacks, since apparently someone thinks I shouldn’t offer freebies. Make of that what you will.
Also gone is the functionality to open bigger images layered onto the same page. That function has been deprecated, by the looks of it, and while I can do it in a different manner now, I am not sure I can go through the 100+ posts in the blog to fix everything as it will require quite a bit of extra work So for the time being, you’ll have to either open images in a new window, or open them in the same window then hit the back button. Or, you know, just go to DAZ’ own website to view the full sized images. I’m not sure whether I’ll retrofix this, but will certainly reapear in any page I add going forwards.
I’m hoping the new design with more modern functionality and much easier to read on mobile platforms will make the website more accessible. I apologise in advance if the down time caused any issues, and I hope you enjoy this new updated versions.